Regular expression, or regex or regexp or rational expression, is a series of strings in a particular sequence, which is used to create a search pattern and applied in “find and replace” like tasks. It's mainly used in computer science theories. Regular expression was first introduced in 1950s by Stephen Kleene, an American mathematician. It's commonly used in UNIX operating system and Linux commands for find and replace kind of tasks. Here we'll provide a list of 20 best tools and resources which will help you in writing regular expressions in a more streamlined way.
1. Regexr:
This tool is used for online purposes in building and testing regular expressions like RegEx or RegExp. It updates real-time results while typing the expression only.
2. Expresso:
It's a desktop tool suitable for beginners and it also offers a feature-rich environment for programmers as well as web designers.
3. Regex101:
It's again an online tool which is used for RegEx which has debugging capabilities for detecting errors and explaining real-time results. It's used for programming languages like PHP, JavaScript and Python.
4. Rad Software Regular Expression Designer:
It's based on a regex application, which is based on Interactive Windows, and it's simple to use. This tool requires .NET framework to be functional.
5. RETester:
This tool is used for regular expressions in the target string and this tool supports engines like .NET, Client side engine and Silverlight Tester.
6. HTML2Regexp – Regular Expression Generator for HTML Element:
It's a program written in Ruby which generates regular expressions for extracting HTML elements.
7. Rubular:
Ruby Expression Tester is also used for Ruby-based regular expression to test real-time expressions while typing the same.
8. reWork:
This is an online tool which is used for functions like replace, split, scan and so on. With this tool too, results can be updated while typing only.
9. Regexpal:
It's written in JavaScript and its features include case insensitive, global and multi line anchors and Dot matches all. Both the regular expression and the string should be used to test in different fields for the results.
10. Txt2re:
It's a very tiny tool which puts together regex patterns. It supports Perl, PHP, Python, Java, Javascript, C, C++, Ruby, VB, VBScript, .NET and more.
11. Rex V:
This regular expression is based on Ajax and it's used for three different systems - PHP PCRE, PHP Posix and Javascript.
12. Regexhero:
This tool is >NET based and it highlights real-time expressions. It also offers syntax highlighting and generates code in both C# and VB.NET.
13. Debuggex:
It's a visual tester used online and it also includes a live text editor. This web application is written in JavaScript and supports all modern browsers.
14. Flex 3 Regular Expression Explorer:
It's a regular expression test site which has a large community and it offers samples too.
15. Regexplanet:
It is used for testing regular expression in Java and it can also be used for other engines like JavaScript, Java, .NET, Pearl, Python and Ruby.
16. Freeformatter:
It allows testing regular expressions against any entry as per your choice and it also highlights all the found matches.
17. Myregextester:
It allows online visitors to build and test regular expressions. It also optimises entered expressions and highlights matching patterns in the result area.
18. Python Regular Expression Testing Tool:
It's a Python based tool for testing regular expressions and it supports specific functions like dotall and unicode.
19. Regexr From Gskinner:
It's an online tool used for both editing and testing regular expressions like RegEx. Having a user-friendly interface, this tool also shows real-time matches.
20. Regex Tester From Gethifi:
This tool comes from Gethifi and it uses JavaScript for testing regular expressions through jQuery. It's a powerful tool for web developers and designers.
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