Thursday 19 April 2012

Linq Cheatsheet


Query Syntax
Lambda Syntax
var col = from o in Orders
          where o.CustomerID == 84
          select o;
var col2 = Orders.Where(o => o.CustomerID == 84);
Return Anonymous Type
var col = from o in orders
          select new
              OrderID = o.OrderID,
              Cost = o.Cost
var col2 = orders.Select(o => new
          OrderID = o.OrderID,
          Cost = o.Cost
var col = from o in orders
          orderby o.Cost ascending
select o;
var col2 = orders.OrderBy(o => o.Cost);
var col3 = from o in orders
           orderby o.Cost descending
select o;
var col4 = orders.OrderByDescending(o => o.Cost);
var col9 = from o in orders
  orderby o.CustomerID, o.Cost descending
           select o;
//returns same results as above
var col5 = from o in orders
           orderby o.Cost descending
orderby o.CustomerID
           select o;
//NOTE the ordering of the orderby’s
var col6 = orders.OrderBy(o => o.CustomerID).
          ThenByDescending(o => o.Cost);
var col = from c in customers
          join o in orders on
          c.CustomerID equals o.CustomerID
          select new
var col2 = customers.Join(orders,
    c => c.CustomerID,o => o.CustomerID,
    (c, o) => new
var OrderCounts = from o in orders
        group o by o.CustomerID into g
        select new
            CustomerID = g.Key,
            TotalOrders = g.Count()
var OrderCounts1 = orders.GroupBy(
         o => o.CustomerID).
         Select(g => new
             CustomerID = g.Key,
             TotalOrders = g.Count()
the grouping’s key is the same type as the grouping value. E.g. in above example grouping key is an int because o.CustomerID is
Query Syntax
Lambda Syntax
Paging (using Skip & Take)
//select top 3
var col = (from o in orders
           where o.CustomerID == 84
           select o).Take(3);
var col2 = orders.Where(
           o => o.CustomerID == 84
//skip first 2 and return the 2 after
var col3 = (from o in orders
           where o.CustomerID == 84
           orderby o.Cost
           select o).Skip(2).Take(2);
var col3 = (from o in orders
            where o.CustomerID == 84
orderby o.Cost
select o).Skip(2).Take(2);
Element Operators (Single, Last, First, ElementAt, Defaults)
//throws exception if no elements
var cust = (from c in customers
           where c.CustomerID == 84
           select c).Single();
var cust1 = customers.Single(
            c => c.CustomerID == 84);
//returns null if no elements
var cust = (from c in customers
            where c.CustomerID == 84
            select c).SingleOrDefault();
var cust1 = customers.SingleOrDefault(
            c => c.CustomerID == 84);
//returns a new customer instance if no elements
var cust = (from c in customers
            where c.CustomerID == 85
            select c).DefaultIfEmpty(
              new Customer()).Single();
var cust1 = customers.Where(
            c => c.CustomerID == 85
            ).DefaultIfEmpty(new Customer()).Single();
//First, Last and ElementAt used in same way
var cust4 = (from o in orders
             where o.CustomerID == 84
             orderby o.Cost
             select o).Last();
var cust5 = orders.Where(
            o => o.CustomerID == 84).
            OrderBy(o => o.Cost).Last();
//returns 0 if no elements
var i = (from c in customers
         where c.CustomerID == 85
         select c.CustomerID).SingleOrDefault();
var j = customers.Where(
        c => c.CustomerID == 85).
        Select(o => o.CustomerID).SingleOrDefault();
Single, Last, First, ElementAt all throw exceptions if source sequence is empty.
SingleOrDefault, LastOrDefault, FirstOrDefault, ElementAtOrDefault all return default(T) if source
sequence is empty.  i.e. NULL will be returned if T is a reference type or nullable value type; default(T) will be returned if T is a
non-nullable value type (int, bool etc). This can be seen in the last example above.LINQ CHEAT SHEET
Query Syntax
Lambda Syntax
string[] names = (from c in customers
                  select c.Name).ToArray();
Dictionary<int, Customer> col = customers.ToDictionary(c => c.CustomerID);
Dictionary<string, double> customerOrdersWithMaxCost = (from oc in
(from o in orders                                                                    
join c in customers on o.CustomerID equals c.CustomerID
   select new { c.Name, o.Cost })
group oc by oc.Name into g
      select g).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Max(oc => oc.Cost));
List<Order> ordersOver10 = (from o in orders
where o.Cost > 10
      orderby o.Cost).ToList();
ILookup<int, string> customerLookup =
           customers.ToLookup(c => c.CustomerID, c => c.Name);

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