Monday, 11 January 2016

Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API

Your data model has started to stabilize and you're in a position to create a public API for your web app. You realize it's hard to make significant changes to your API once it's released and want to get as much right as possible up front. Now, the internet has no shortage on opinions on API design. But, since there's no one widely adopted standard that works in all cases, you're left with a bunch of choices: What formats should you accept? How should you authenticate? Should your API be versioned?
In designing an API for Enchant (a Zendesk Alternative), I've tried to come up with pragmatic answers to these questions. My goal is for the Enchant API to be easy to use, easy to adopt and flexible enough to dogfood for our own user interfaces.


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Key requirements for the API

Many of the API design opinions found on the web are academic discussions revolving around subjective interpretations of fuzzy standards as opposed to what makes sense in the real world. My goal with this post is to describe best practices for a pragmatic API designed for today's web applications. I make no attempt to satisfy a standard if it doesn't feel right. To help guide the decision making process, I've written down some requirements that the API must strive for:
  • It should use web standards where they make sense
  • It should be friendly to the developer and be explorable via a browser address bar
  • It should be simple, intuitive and consistent to make adoption not only easy but pleasant
  • It should provide enough flexibility to power majority of the Enchant UI
  • It should be efficient, while maintaining balance with the other requirements
An API is a developer's UI - just like any UI, it's important to ensure the user's experience is thought out carefully!

Use RESTful URLs and actions

If there's one thing that has gained wide adoption, it's RESTful principles. These were first introduced by Roy Fielding in Chapter 5 of his dissertation on network based software architectures.
The key principles of REST involve separating your API into logical resources. These resources are manipulated using HTTP requests where the method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) has specific meaning.
But what can I make a resource? Well, these should be nouns (not verbs!) that make sense from the perspective of the API consumer. Although your internal models may map neatly to resources, it isn't necessarily a one-to-one mapping. The key here is to not leak irrelevant implementation details out to your API! Some of Enchant's nouns would be ticketuser and group.
Once you have your resources defined, you need to identify what actions apply to them and how those would map to your API. RESTful principles provide strategies to handle CRUD actions using HTTP methods mapped as follows:
  • GET /tickets - Retrieves a list of tickets
  • GET /tickets/12 - Retrieves a specific ticket
  • POST /tickets - Creates a new ticket
  • PUT /tickets/12 - Updates ticket #12
  • PATCH /tickets/12 - Partially updates ticket #12
  • DELETE /tickets/12 - Deletes ticket #12
The great thing about REST is that you're leveraging existing HTTP methods to implement significant functionality on just a single /tickets endpoint. There are no method naming conventions to follow and the URL structure is clean & clear. REST FTW!
Should the endpoint name be singular or plural? The keep-it-simple rule applies here. Although your inner-grammatician will tell you it's wrong to describe a single instance of a resource using a plural, the pragmatic answer is to keep the URL format consistent and always use a plural. Not having to deal with odd pluralization (person/people, goose/geese) makes the life of the API consumer better and is easier for the API provider to implement (as most modern frameworks will natively handle /tickets and /tickets/12 under a common controller).
But how do you deal with relations? If a relation can only exist within another resource, RESTful principles provide useful guidance. Let's look at this with an example. A ticket in Enchant consists of a number of messages. These messages can be logically mapped to the /tickets endpoint as follows:
  • GET /tickets/12/messages - Retrieves list of messages for ticket #12
  • GET /tickets/12/messages/5 - Retrieves message #5 for ticket #12
  • POST /tickets/12/messages - Creates a new message in ticket #12
  • PUT /tickets/12/messages/5 - Updates message #5 for ticket #12
  • PATCH /tickets/12/messages/5 - Partially updates message #5 for ticket #12
  • DELETE /tickets/12/messages/5 - Deletes message #5 for ticket #12
Alternatively, if a relation can exist independently of the resource, it makes sense to just include an identifier for it within the output representation of the resource. The API consumer would then have to hit the relation's endpoint. However, if the relation is commonly requested alongside the resource, the API could offer functionality to automatically embed the relation's representation and avoid the second hit to the API.
What about actions that don't fit into the world of CRUD operations?
This is where things can get fuzzy. There are a number of approaches:
  1. Restructure the action to appear like a field of a resource. This works if the action doesn't take parameters. For example an activate action could be mapped to a boolean activated field and updated via a PATCH to the resource.
  2. Treat it like a sub-resource with RESTful principles. For example, GitHub's API lets you star a gistwith PUT /gists/:id/star and unstar with DELETE /gists/:id/star.
  3. Sometimes you really have no way to map the action to a sensible RESTful structure. For example, a multi-resource search doesn't really make sense to be applied to a specific resource's endpoint. In this case, /search would make the most sense even though it isn't a resource. This is OK - just do what's right from the perspective of the API consumer and make sure it's documented clearly to avoid confusion.

SSL everywhere - all the time

Always use SSL. No exceptions. Today, your web APIs can get accessed from anywhere there is internet (like libraries, coffee shops, airports among others). Not all of these are secure. Many don't encrypt communications at all, allowing for easy eavesdropping or impersonation if authentication credentials are hijacked.
Another advantage of always using SSL is that guaranteed encrypted communications simplifies authentication efforts - you can get away with simple access tokens instead of having to sign each API request.
One thing to watch out for is non-SSL access to API URLs. Do not redirect these to their SSL counterparts. Throw a hard error instead! The last thing you want is for poorly configured clients to send requests to an unencrypted endpoint, just to be silently redirected to the actual encrypted endpoint.


An API is only as good as its documentation. The docs should be easy to find and publically accessible. Most developers will check out the docs before attempting any integration effort. When the docs are hidden inside a PDF file or require signing in, they're not only difficult to find but also not easy to search.
The docs should show examples of complete request/response cycles. Preferably, the requests should be pastable examples - either links that can be pasted into a browser or curl examples that can be pasted into a terminal. GitHub and Stripe do a great job with this.
Once you release a public API, you've committed to not breaking things without notice. The documentation must include any deprecation schedules and details surrounding externally visible API updates. Updates should be delivered via a blog (i.e. a changelog) or a mailing list (preferably both!).


Always version your API. Versioning helps you iterate faster and prevents invalid requests from hitting updated endpoints. It also helps smooth over any major API version transitions as you can continue to offer old API versions for a period of time.
There are mixed opinions around whether an API version should be included in the URL or in a header. Academically speaking, it should probably be in a header. However, the version needs to be in the URL to ensure browser explorability of the resources across versions (remember the API requirements specified at the top of this post?).
I'm a big fan of the approach that Stripe has taken to API versioning - the URL has a major version number (v1), but the API has date based sub-versions which can be chosen using a custom HTTP request header. In this case, the major version provides structural stability of the API as a whole while the sub-versions accounts for smaller changes (field deprecations, endpoint changes, etc).
An API is never going to be completely stable. Change is inevitable. What's important is how that change is managed. Well documented and announced multi-month deprecation schedules can be an acceptable practice for many APIs. It comes down to what is reasonable given the industry and possible consumers of the API.

Result filtering, sorting & searching

It's best to keep the base resource URLs as lean as possible. Complex result filters, sorting requirements and advanced searching (when restricted to a single type of resource) can all be easily implemented as query parameters on top of the base URL. Let's look at these in more detail:
Filtering: Use a unique query parameter for each field that implements filtering. For example, when requesting a list of tickets from the /tickets endpoint, you may want to limit these to only those in the open state. This could be accomplished with a request like GET /tickets?state=open. Here,state is a query parameter that implements a filter.
Sorting: Similar to filtering, a generic parameter sort can be used to describe sorting rules. Accommodate complex sorting requirements by letting the sort parameter take in list of comma separated fields, each with a possible unary negative to imply descending sort order. Let's look at some examples:
  • GET /tickets?sort=-priority - Retrieves a list of tickets in descending order of priority
  • GET /tickets?sort=-priority,created_at - Retrieves a list of tickets in descending order of priority. Within a specific priority, older tickets are ordered first
Searching: Sometimes basic filters aren't enough and you need the power of full text search. Perhaps you're already using ElasticSearch or another Lucene based search technology. When full text search is used as a mechanism of retrieving resource instances for a specific type of resource, it can be exposed on the API as a query parameter on the resource's endpoint. Let's say q. Search queries should be passed straight to the search engine and API output should be in the same format as a normal list result.
Combining these together, we can build queries like:
  • GET /tickets?sort=-updated_at - Retrieve recently updated tickets
  • GET /tickets?state=closed&sort=-updated_at - Retrieve recently closed tickets
  • GET /tickets?q=return&state=open&sort=-priority,created_at - Retrieve the highest priority open tickets mentioning the word 'return'
Aliases for common queries
To make the API experience more pleasant for the average consumer, consider packaging up sets of conditions into easily accessible RESTful paths. For example, the recently closed tickets query above could be packaged up as GET /tickets/recently_closed

Limiting which fields are returned by the API

The API consumer doesn't always need the full representation of a resource. The ability select and chose returned fields goes a long way in letting the API consumer minimize network traffic and speed up their own usage of the API.
Use a fields query parameter that takes a comma separated list of fields to include. For example, the following request would retrieve just enough information to display a sorted listing of open tickets:
GET /tickets?fields=id,subject,customer_name,updated_at&state=open&sort=-updated_at

Updates & creation should return a resource representation

A PUT, POST or PATCH call may make modifications to fields of the underlying resource that weren't part of the provided parameters (for example: created_at or updated_at timestamps). To prevent an API consumer from having to hit the API again for an updated representation, have the API return the updated (or created) representation as part of the response.
In case of a POST that resulted in a creation, use a HTTP 201 status code and include a Location header that points to the URL of the new resource.

Should you HATEOAS?

There are a lot of mixed opinions as to whether the API consumer should create links or whether links should be provided to the API. RESTful design principles specify HATEOAS which roughly states that interaction with an endpoint should be defined within metadata that comes with the output representation and not based on out-of-band information.
Although the web generally works on HATEOAS type principles (where we go to a website's front page and follow links based on what we see on the page), I don't think we're ready for HATEOAS on APIs just yet. When browsing a website, decisions on what links will be clicked are made at run time. However, with an API, decisions as to what requests will be sent are made when the API integration code is written, not at run time. Could the decisions be deferred to run time? Sure, however, there isn't much to gain going down that route as code would still not be able to handle significant API changes without breaking. That said, I think HATEOAS is promising but not ready for prime time just yet. Some more effort has to be put in to define standards and tooling around these principles for its potential to be fully realized.
For now, it's best to assume the user has access to the documentation & include resource identifiers in the output representation which the API consumer will use when crafting links. There are a couple of advantages of sticking to identifiers - data flowing over the network is minimized and the data stored by API consumers is also minimized (as they are storing small identifiers as opposed to URLs that contain identifiers).
Also, given this post advocates version numbers in the URL, it makes more sense in the long term for the API consumer to store resource identifiers as opposed to URLs. After all, the identifier is stable across versions but the URL representing it is not!

JSON only responses

It's time to leave XML behind in APIs. It's verbose, it's hard to parse, it's hard to read, its data model isn't compatible with how most programming languages model data and its extendibility advantages are irrelevant when your output representation's primary needs are serialization from an internal representation.
I'm not going to put much effort into explaining the above breathful as it looks like others (YouTube,Twitter & Box) have already started the XML exodus.
I'll just leave you the following Google Trends chart (XML API vs JSON API) as food for thought:
However, if your customer base consists of a large number of enterprise customers, you may find yourself having to support XML anyway. If you must do this, you'll find yourself with a new question:
Should the media type change based on Accept headers or based on the URL? To ensure browser explorability, it should be in the URL. The most sensible option here would be to append a .json or.xml extension to the endpoint URL.

snake_case vs camelCase for field names

If you're using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) as your primary representation format, the "right" thing to do is to follow JavaScript naming conventions - and that means camelCase for field names! If you then go the route of building client libraries in various languages, it's best to use idiomatic naming conventions in them - camelCase for C# & Java, snake_case for python & ruby.
Food for thought: I've always felt that snake_case is easier to read than JavaScript's convention ofcamelCase. I just didn't have any evidence to back up my gut feelings, until now. Based on an eye tracking study on camelCase and snake_case (PDF) from 2010, snake_case is 20% easier to read than camelCase! That impact on readability would affect API explorability and examples in documentation.
Many popular JSON APIs use snake_case. I suspect this is due to serialization libraries following naming conventions of the underlying language they are using. Perhaps we need to have JSON serialization libraries handle naming convention transformations.

Pretty print by default & ensure gzip is supported

An API that provides white-space compressed output isn't very fun to look at from a browser. Although some sort of query parameter (like ?pretty=true) could be provided to enable pretty printing, an API that pretty prints by default is much more approachable. The cost of the extra data transfer is negligible, especially when you compare to the cost of not implementing gzip.
Consider some use cases: What if an API consumer is debugging and has their code print out data it received from the API - It will be readable by default. Or if the consumer grabbed the URL their code was generating and hit it directly from the browser - it will be readable by default. These are small things. Small things that make an API pleasant to use!
But what about all the extra data transfer?
Let's look at this with a real world example. I've pulled some data from GitHub's API, which uses pretty print by default. I'll also be doing some gzip comparisons:

$ curl > with-whitespace.txt
$ ruby -r json -e 'puts JSON JSON.parse(' < with-whitespace.txt > without-whitespace.txt
$ gzip -c with-whitespace.txt > with-whitespace.txt.gz
$ gzip -c without-whitespace.txt > without-whitespace.txt.gz
The output files have the following sizes:
  • without-whitespace.txt - 1252 bytes
  • with-whitespace.txt - 1369 bytes
  • without-whitespace.txt.gz - 496 bytes
  • with-whitespace.txt.gz - 509 bytes
In this example, the whitespace increased the output size by 8.5% when gzip is not in play and 2.6% when gzip is in play. On the other hand, the act of gzipping in itself provided over 60% in bandwidth savings. Since the cost of pretty printing is relatively small, it's best to pretty print by default and ensure gzip compression is supported!
To further hammer in this point, Twitter found that there was an 80% savings (in some cases) when enabling gzip compression on their Streaming API. Stack Exchange went as far as to never return a response that's not compressed!

Don't use an envelope by default, but make it possible when needed

Many APIs wrap their responses in envelopes like this:

  "data" : {
    "id" : 123,
    "name" : "John"
There are a couple of justifications for doing this - it makes it easy to include additional metadata or pagination information, some REST clients don't allow easy access to HTTP headers & JSONP requests have no access to HTTP headers. However, with standards that are being rapidly adopted like CORSand the Link header from RFC 5988, enveloping is starting to become unnecessary.
We can future proof the API by staying envelope free by default and enveloping only in exceptional cases.
How should an envelope be used in the exceptional cases?
There are 2 situations where an envelope is really needed - if the API needs to support cross domain requests over JSONP or if the client is incapable of working with HTTP headers.
JSONP requests come with an additional query parameter (usually named callback or jsonp) representing the name of the callback function. If this parameter is present, the API should switch to a full envelope mode where it always responds with a 200 HTTP status code and passes the real status code in the JSON payload. Any additional HTTP headers that would have been passed alongside the response should be mapped to JSON fields, like so:

  status_code: 200,
  next_page: "https://..",
  response: {
    ... actual JSON response body ... 
Similarly, to support limited HTTP clients, allow for a special query parameter ?envelope=true that would trigger full enveloping (without the JSONP callback function).

JSON encoded POST, PUT & PATCH bodies

If you're following the approach in this post, then you've embraced JSON for all API output. Let's consider JSON for API input.
Many APIs use URL encoding in their API request bodies. URL encoding is exactly what it sounds like - request bodies where key value pairs are encoded using the same conventions as one would use to encode data in URL query parameters. This is simple, widely supported and gets the job done.
However, URL encoding has a few issues that make it problematic. It has no concept of data types. This forces the API to parse integers and booleans out of strings. Furthermore, it has no real concept of hierarchical structure. Although there are some conventions that can build some structure out of key value pairs (like appending [ ] to a key to represent an array), this is no comparison to the native hierarchical structure of JSON.
If the API is simple, URL encoding may suffice. However, complex APIs should stick to JSON for their API input. Either way, pick one and be consistent throughout the API.
An API that accepts JSON encoded POST, PUT & PATCH requests should also require the Content-Type header be set to application/json or throw a 415 Unsupported Media Type HTTP status code.

Envelope loving APIs typically include pagination data in the envelope itself. And I don't blame them - until recently, there weren't many better options. The right way to include pagination details today is using the Link header introduced by RFC 5988.
An API that uses the Link header can return a set of ready-made links so the API consumer doesn't have to construct links themselves. This is especially important when pagination is cursor based. Here is an example of a Link header used properly, grabbed from GitHub's documentation:

Link: <>; rel="next", <>; rel="last"
But this isn't a complete solution as many APIs do like to return the additional pagination information, like a count of the total number of available results. An API that requires sending a count can use a custom HTTP header like X-Total-Count.

Auto loading related resource representations

There are many cases where an API consumer needs to load data related to (or referenced) from the resource being requested. Rather than requiring the consumer to hit the API repeatedly for this information, there would be a significant efficiency gain from allowing related data to be returned and loaded alongside the original resource on demand.
However, as this does go against some RESTful principles, we can minimize our deviation by only doing so based on an embed (or expand) query parameter.
In this case, embed would be a comma separated list of fields to be embedded. Dot-notation could be used to refer to sub-fields. For example:
GET /tickets/12?,assigned_user
This would return a ticket with additional details embedded, like:

  "id" : 12,
  "subject" : "I have a question!",
  "summary" : "Hi, ....",
  "customer" : {
    "name" : "Bob"
  assigned_user: {
   "id" : 42,
   "name" : "Jim",
Of course, ability to implement something like this really depends on internal complexity. This kind of embedding can easily result in an N+1 select issue.

Overriding the HTTP method

Some HTTP clients can only work with simple GET and POST requests. To increase accessibility to these limited clients, the API needs a way to override the HTTP method. Although there aren't any hard standards here, the popular convention is to accept a request header X-HTTP-Method-Overridewith a string value containing one of PUT, PATCH or DELETE.
Note that the override header should only be accepted on POST requests. GET requests should neverchange data on the server!

Rate limiting

To prevent abuse, it is standard practice to add some sort of rate limiting to an API. RFC 6585introduced a HTTP status code 429 Too Many Requests to accommodate this.
However, it can be very useful to notify the consumer of their limits before they actually hit it. This is an area that currently lacks standards but has a number of popular conventions using HTTP response headers.
At a minimum, include the following headers (using Twitter's naming conventions as headers typically don't have mid-word capitalization):
  • X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The number of allowed requests in the current period
  • X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The number of remaining requests in the current period
  • X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left in the current period
Why is number of seconds left being used instead of a time stamp for X-Rate-Limit-Reset?
A timestamp contains all sorts of useful but unnecessary information like the date and possibly the time-zone. An API consumer really just wants to know when they can send the request again & the number of seconds answers this question with minimal additional processing on their end. It also avoids issues related to clock skew.
Some APIs use a UNIX timestamp (seconds since epoch) for X-Rate-Limit-Reset. Don't do this!
Why is it bad practice to use a UNIX timestamp for X-Rate-Limit-Reset?
The HTTP spec already specifies using RFC 1123 date formats (currently being used in DateIf-Modified-Since & Last-Modified HTTP headers). If we were to specify a new HTTP header that takes a timestamp of some sort, it should follow RFC 1123 conventions instead of using UNIX timestamps.


A RESTful API should be stateless. This means that request authentication should not depend on cookies or sessions. Instead, each request should come with some sort authentication credentials.
By always using SSL, the authentication credentials can be simplified to a randomly generated access token that is delivered in the user name field of HTTP Basic Auth. The great thing about this is that it's completely browser explorable - the browser will just popup a prompt asking for credentials if it receives a 401 Unauthorized status code from the server.
However, this token-over-basic-auth method of authentication is only acceptable in cases where it's practical to have the user copy a token from an administration interface to the API consumer environment. In cases where this isn't possible, OAuth 2 should be used to provide secure token transfer to a third party. OAuth 2 uses Bearer tokens & also depends on SSL for its underlying transport encryption.
An API that needs to support JSONP will need a third method of authentication, as JSONP requests cannot send HTTP Basic Auth credentials or Bearer tokens. In this case, a special query parameteraccess_token can be used. Note: there is an inherent security issue in using a query parameter for the token as most web servers store query parameters in server logs.
For what it's worth, all three methods above are just ways to transport the token across the API boundary. The actual underlying token itself could be identical.


HTTP provides a built-in caching framework! All you have to do is include some additional outbound response headers and do a little validation when you receive some inbound request headers.
There are 2 approaches: ETag and Last-Modified
ETag: When generating a request, include a HTTP header ETag containing a hash or checksum of the representation. This value should change whenever the output representation changes. Now, if an inbound HTTP requests contains a If-None-Match header with a matching ETag value, the API should return a 304 Not Modified status code instead of the output representation of the resource.
Last-Modified: This basically works like to ETag, except that it uses timestamps. The response headerLast-Modified contains a timestamp in RFC 1123 format which is validated against If-Modified-Since. Note that the HTTP spec has had 3 different acceptable date formats and the server should be prepared to accept any one of them.


Just like an HTML error page shows a useful error message to a visitor, an API should provide a useful error message in a known consumable format. The representation of an error should be no different than the representation of any resource, just with its own set of fields.
The API should always return sensible HTTP status codes. API errors typically break down into 2 types: 400 series status codes for client issues & 500 series status codes for server issues. At a minimum, the API should standardize that all 400 series errors come with consumable JSON error representation. If possible (i.e. if load balancers & reverse proxies can create custom error bodies), this should extend to 500 series status codes.
A JSON error body should provide a few things for the developer - a useful error message, a unique error code (that can be looked up for more details in the docs) and possibly a detailed description. JSON output representation for something like this would look like:

  "code" : 1234,
  "message" : "Something bad happened :(",
  "description" : "More details about the error here"
Validation errors for PUT, PATCH and POST requests will need a field breakdown. This is best modeled by using a fixed top-level error code for validation failures and providing the detailed errors in an additional errors field, like so:

  "code" : 1024,
  "message" : "Validation Failed",
  "errors" : [
      "code" : 5432,
      "field" : "first_name",
      "message" : "First name cannot have fancy characters"
       "code" : 5622,
       "field" : "password",
       "message" : "Password cannot be blank"

HTTP status codes

HTTP defines a bunch of meaningful status codes that can be returned from your API. These can be leveraged to help the API consumers route their responses accordingly. I've curated a short list of the ones that you definitely should be using:
  • 200 OK - Response to a successful GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. Can also be used for a POST that doesn't result in a creation.
  • 201 Created - Response to a POST that results in a creation. Should be combined with a Location header pointing to the location of the new resource
  • 204 No Content - Response to a successful request that won't be returning a body (like a DELETE request)
  • 304 Not Modified - Used when HTTP caching headers are in play
  • 400 Bad Request - The request is malformed, such as if the body does not parse
  • 401 Unauthorized - When no or invalid authentication details are provided. Also useful to trigger an auth popup if the API is used from a browser
  • 403 Forbidden - When authentication succeeded but authenticated user doesn't have access to the resource
  • 404 Not Found - When a non-existent resource is requested
  • 405 Method Not Allowed - When an HTTP method is being requested that isn't allowed for the authenticated user
  • 410 Gone - Indicates that the resource at this end point is no longer available. Useful as a blanket response for old API versions
  • 415 Unsupported Media Type - If incorrect content type was provided as part of the request
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity - Used for validation errors
  • 429 Too Many Requests - When a request is rejected due to rate limiting

In Summary

An API is a user interface for developers. Put the effort in to ensure it's not just functional but pleasant to use.


Introduction to REST and .net Web API

If you are building apps or websites today, the chances are you’ll have heard of REST and .net Web API, but you may not be sure what these things are, whether you should use them or how to get started. If this sounds familiar, then this article for you.

API; what and why?

Let’s start right at the start and figure out what an API is and why you should consider using one.
The term API stands for ‘Application Programming Interface’. In the world of web development the term ‘API’ is synonymous with online web services which client apps can use to retrieve and update data. These online services have had several names/formats over the years such as SOAP, however the current popular choice is to create a REST (or RESTful) API.
We’ll come onto REST and why REST is now preferred later, but first let’s examine why you would even bother with an API.
Let’s consider a modern application which may include several mobile apps on various platforms and usually some kind of web application too. Without an API, a basic architecture may look like this where each client app has its own embedded business logic.
Notice that each client app has its own embedded business logic (probably written in several different languages) which connects directly to the database to get, update and manipulate data. This local business logic means that the client apps can easily become complex and all need to be maintained in sync with each other. When a new feature is required, you’ll have to update each app accordingly. This can be a very expensive process which often leads to feature fragmentation, bugs and can really hold back innovation.
Now let’s consider the same architecture with a central API which hold all the business logic.
Each app uses the same API to get, update and manipulate data. All apps have feature parity and when you need to make a change you just make it in one place in line with the ‘Don’t Repeat Yourself’ (DRY) principle of software development. The apps themselves then become relatively lightweight UI layers.
Happy Days

What is REST?

REST stands for ‘Representational State Transfer’ and it is an architectural pattern for creating an API that uses HTTP as its underlying communication method. REST was originally conceived by Roy Fielding in his 2000 dissertation paper entitled ‘Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures’, chapter 5 cover REST specifically:
Almost every device that is connected to the internet already uses HTTP; it is the base protocol that the internet is built on which is why it makes such a great platform for an API.
HTTP is a request and response system; a calling client sends a request to an endpoint and the endpoint responds. The client and endpoint can be anything but a typical example is a browser accessing a web server or an app accessing and API.
There are several key implementation details with HTTP that you should be aware of:
  • Resources – REST uses addressable resources to define the structure of the API. These are the URLs you use to get to pages on the web, for example ‘’ is a resource
  • Request Verbs – These describe what you want to do with the resource. A browser typically issues a GET verb to instruct the endpoint it wants to get data, however there are many other verbs available including things like POST, PUT and DELETE. See the full list at
  • Request Headers – These are additional instructions that are sent with the request. These might define what type of response is required or authorisation details. See the full list at
  • Request Body - Data that is sent with the request. For example a POST (creation of a new item) will required some data which is typically sent as the request body in the format of JSON or XML.
  • Response Body – This is the main body of the response. If the request was to a web server, this might be a full HTML page, if it was to an API, this might be a JSON or XML document.
  • Response Status codes – These codes are issues with the response and give the client details on the status of the request. See the full list at
In the context of a REST API, resources typically represent your data entities (i.e. ‘Product’, ‘Person’, ‘Order’ etc). The verb that is sent with the request informs the API what to do with the resource, for example a GET request gets data about an entity, POST requests create a new entity.
There is a convention in place that GET requests to an entity url such as /Products returns a list of products, possibly matching some criteria that was sent with the request. However, to retrieve a specific product, you would use the product’s ID as part of the resource, for example /Products/81 would return product with the ID of 81. It is also possible to use query string parameters with an API, for example you may have something like /Products?Colour=red which returns all red products.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Parallel Tasks

Data parallelism and task parallelism are two ends of a spectrum. Data parallelism occurs when a single operation is applied to many inputs. Task parallelism uses multiple operations, each with its own input.
In the Microsoft® .NET Framework, tasks are implemented by the Task class in the System.Threading.Tasks namespace. The static Task.Factoryproperty contains an instance of the TaskFactory class, which is used to create and schedule new tasks. You can wait for a task to complete by invoking the task's Wait method. It's also possible to wait for multiple tasks to complete. If you think in terms of fork/join, the StartNew method is the fork operation and the Wait method is the join operation.
Scheduling is an important aspect of parallel tasks. Unlike threads, new tasks don't necessarily begin executing immediately. Instead, they are placed in a work queue. Tasks run when their associated task scheduler removes them from the queue, usually as cores become available. The task scheduler attempts to optimize overall throughput by controlling the system's degree of concurrency. As long as there are enough tasks and the tasks are sufficiently free of serializing dependencies, the program's performance scales with the number of available cores. In this way, tasks embody the concept of potential parallelism that was introduced in Chapter 1.
Another important aspect of task-based applications is how they handle exceptions. In .NET, an unhandled exception that occurs during the execution of a task is deferred for later observation. For example, the deferred exception is automatically observed at a later time when you call one of the task class's wait methods. At that time, the exception is rethrown in the calling context of the wait method. This allows you to use the same exception handling approach in parallel programs that you use in sequential programs.

The Basics

Each task is a sequential operation; however, tasks can often run in parallel. In .NET, a task is also an object with properties and methods of its own. Here's some sequential code.
Let's assume that the methods DoLeft and DoRight are independent. This means that neither method writes to memory locations or files that the other method might read. Because the methods are independent, you can use the Invoke method of the Parallel class to call them in parallel. This is shown in the following code.
  Parallel.Invoke(DoLeft, DoRight);
Parallel.Invoke is the simplest expression of the parallel task pattern. It creates new parallel tasks for each delegate method that is in its params array argument list. The Invoke method returns when all the tasks are finished.
Callout: Parallel.Invoke is a method in .NET that creates a list of parallel tasks and waits for them all to complete.
You can't assume that all parallel tasks will immediately run. Depending on the current work load and system configuration, tasks might be scheduled to run one after another, or they might run at the same time. For more information about how tasks are scheduled, see the section, "The Default Task Scheduler," later in this chapter.
The delegate methods of Parallel.Invoke can either complete normally or finish by throwing an exception. Any exceptions that occur during the execution of Parallel.Invoke are deferred and rethrown when all tasks finish. All exceptions are rethrown as inner exceptions of anAggregateException instance. For more information and a code example, see the section, "Handling Exceptions," later in this chapter.
Internally, Parallel.Invoke creates new tasks and waits for them. It uses methods of the Task class to do this. Here's an example.
  Task t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(DoLeft);  
  Task t2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(DoRight);

  Task.WaitAll(t1, t2);

Two tasks, t1 and t2, are needed in this example for correct exception handling. Without the second task, t2, the code would not have guaranteed that exceptions thrown during the execution of task t1 would be observed. For more information, see the section, "Handling Exceptions," later in this chapter.

The StartNew method of the TaskFactory class creates and schedules a new task that executes the delegate method that is provided as its argument. You can wait for parallel tasks to complete by calling the Task.WaitAll method. (Use the Wait method if you want to wait on a single task.)
When you use StartNew to create a task, the new task is added to a work queue for eventual execution, but it does not start to run until its task scheduler takes it out of the work queue, which can happen immediately or can occur at some point in the future.
The examples you've seen so far are simple, but they're powerful enough to handle many scenarios. For more ways to use tasks, see the section, "Variations," later in this chapter.

An Example

An example of task parallelism is an image processing application where images are created with layers. Separate images from different sources are processed independently and then combined with a process known as alpha blending. This process superimposes semitransparent layers to form a single image.
The source images that are combined are different, and different image processing operations are performed on each of them. This means that the image processing operations must be performed separately on each source image and must be complete before the images can be blended. In the example, there are only two source images, and the operations are simple: conversion to gray scale and rotation. In a more realistic example, there might be more source images and more complicated operations.
Here's the sequential code. The source code for the complete example is located at in the Chapter3\ImageBlender folder.
static int SeqentialImageProcessing(Bitmap source1, Bitmap source2, 
                                    Bitmap layer1, Bitmap layer2, 
                                    Graphics blender)
  SetToGray(source1, layer1);
  Rotate(source2, layer2);
  Blend(layer1, layer2, blender);

  return source1.Width;
In this example, source1 and source2 are bitmaps that are the original source images, layer1 and layer2 are bitmaps that have been prepared with additional information needed to blend the images, and blender is a Graphics instance that performs the blending and references the bitmap with the final blended image. Internally, SetToGrayRotate, and Blend use methods from the .NET System.Drawing namespace to perform the image processing. The last statement returns an integer that the caller uses to print a progress message.
The SetToGray and Rotate methods are entirely independent of each other. This means that you can execute them in separate tasks. If two or more cores are available, the tasks might run in parallel, and the image processing operations might complete in less elapsed time than a sequential version would.
The parallel code uses tasks explicitly.
static int ParallelTaskImageProcessing(Bitmap source1, 
   Bitmap source2, Bitmap layer1, Bitmap layer2, 
   Graphics blender)
  Task toGray = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 
     SetToGray(source1, layer1));
  Task rotate = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 
     Rotate(source2, layer2));
  Task.WaitAll(toGray, rotate);
  Blend(layer1, layer2, blender);
  return source1.Width;
This code calls Task.Factory.StartNew to create and run two tasks that execute SetToGray and Rotate, and calls Task.WaitAll to wait for both tasks to complete before blending the processed images.
You can also use the Parallel.Invoke method to achieve parallelism. The Parallel.Invoke method has very convenient syntax. This is shown in the following code.
static int ParallelInvokeImageProcessing(Bitmap source1, Bitmap source2, 
                                         Bitmap layer1, Bitmap layer2, 
                                         Graphics blender)
    () => SetToGray(source1, layer1),
    () => Rotate(source2, layer2));
  Blend(layer1, layer2, blender);
  return source1.Width;
Here the tasks are identified implicitly by the arguments to Parallel.Invoke. This call does not return until all of the tasks complete.


This section describes variations of the .NET implementation of the Parallel Task pattern.

Canceling a Task

In .NET, a cancellation request does not forcibly end a task. Instead, tasks use a cooperative cancellation model. This means that a running task must poll for the existence of a cancellation request at appropriate intervals and then shut itself down by calling back into the library.
The .NET Framework uses separate types. One allows a program request cancellation, and the other checks for cancellation requests. Instances of theCancellationTokenSource class are used to request cancellation, while CancellationToken values indicate whether cancellation has been requested. Here's an example:
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken token = cts.Token;

Task myTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
    for (...)

        // Body of for loop.
}, token);

// ... elsewhere ...
The CancellationTokenSource object contains a cancellation token. This token is used in two places. It's passed as an argument to the StartNewfactory method, and its ThrowIfCancellationRequested method is invoked to detect and process a cancellation request. Although the example doesn't show it, you can also read the cancellation token's IsCancellationRequested property to test for a cancellation request. For example, you would do this if you need to perform local cleanup actions for a task that's in the process of being canceled.
If the cancellation token indicates that a cancellation has been requested, the ThrowIfCancellationRequested method creates anOperationCanceledException instance and passes in the cancellation token. It then throws the exception. This exception is the signal that notifies the .NET Framework that the task has been canceled; therefore, the OperationCanceledException should not be handled by user code within the task (it is often handled, however, outside of the task that was canceled). If you follow the steps that have been described in this section, the task will be stopped and its Status property will be set to the enumerated value TaskStatus.Canceled.
To ensure that a running task transitions to status Canceled, a cancellation token must have been given as an argument to the StartNew method and an unhandled OperationCanceledException exception that contains that same cancellation token must be thrown by the task.
Checking for cancellation within a loop with many iterations that each perform a small amount of work can negatively affect your application's performance, but checking only infrequently for cancellation can introduce unacceptable latency in your application's response to cancellation requests. For example, in an interactive GUI-based application, checking for cancellation more than once per second is probably a good idea. An application that runs in the background could poll for cancellation much less frequently, perhaps every two to ten seconds. Profiling your application can give you performance data that you can use when determining the best places to test for cancellation requests in your code. You need to understand which code locations will allow you to poll for cancellation at evenly spaced intervals of your choosing, and profiling can help you do this.
If a cancellation token is passed to the StartNew method and cancellation is signaled on that token before the new task begins to execute, the new task's status will transition to Canceled without ever running.
For a little fine print about the behavior of cancellation, see the sections, "Task Life Cycle" and "Unobserved Task Exceptions," later in this chapter.
Whether or not a task gets the status Canceled can be important. If you don't do this correctly, the process might be unexpectedly terminated when the improperly canceled task is garbage collected. A typical mistake is forgetting to pass the cancellation token to the StartNew method. Another typical mistake is forgetting to throw the OperationCanceledException that contains the required cancellation token.

Handling Exceptions

If the execution of a Task object's delegate throws an unhandled exception, the task terminates and its Status property is set to the enumerated valueTaskStatus.Faulted. The unhandled exception is temporarily unobserved. This means that the Task Parallel Library (TPL) catches the exception and records its details in internal data structures associated with the task object. Recovering a deferred exception and embedding it in a new exception is known as "observing an unhandled task exception." In many cases, unhandled task exceptions will be observed in a different thread than the one that executed the task.

Ways to Observe an Unhandled Task Exception

There are several ways to observe an unhandled task exception.
Invoking the faulted task's Wait method causes the task's unhandled exception to be observed. The exception is also thrown in the calling context of the Wait method. The Task class's static WaitAll method allows you to observe the unhandled exceptions of more than one task with a single method invocation. The Parallel.Invoke method includes an implicit call to WaitAll. Exceptions from all of the tasks are grouped together in anAggregateException object and thrown in the calling context of the WaitAll or Wait method.
Getting the Exception property of a faulted task causes the task's unhandled exception to be observed. The property returns the aggregate exception object. Getting the value does not automatically cause the exception to be thrown; however, the exception is considered to have been observed when you get the value of the Exception property. Use the Exception property instead of the Wait method or WaitAll method when you want to examine the unhandled exception but do not want it to be rethrown in the current context.
Special handling occurs if a faulted task's unhandled exceptions are not observed by the time the task object is garbage-collected. For more information, see the section, "Unobserved Task Exceptions," later in this chapter.
You must take care to observe the unhandled exceptions of each task. If you don't do this, .NET's exception escalation policy can terminate your process when the task is garbage collected.

Aggregate Exceptions

In some cases, such as when you're waiting for more than one task, there can be multiple unhandled exceptions that need to be observed. For this reason, the runtime collects the unhandled task exceptions and wraps them in an AggregateException instance. TPL throws the aggregate exception in the context of the observer (that is, in the waiting thread). You can catch the aggregate exception and examine its InnerExceptions property to handle the original exceptions individually. Even if the unhandled exception from just one task is observed, it's still wrapped in anAggregateException. Throwing an aggregate exception preserves the inner exception's stack trace, which would otherwise be overwritten if the exception were rethrown in the current context.
Like all exceptions that are raised inside of a task, an OperationCanceledException instance that's created by canceling a task will become an inner exception of an AggregateException thrown by the task in the context of the thread that calls the task's Wait method. However, if you follow the cancellation rules that are described in the section, "Canceling a Task," earlier in this chapter, the task's final status will be TaskStatus.Canceled instead of TaskStatus.Faulted.

The Handle Method

The AggregateException class has several helper methods to make handling inner exceptions easier. The Handle method of theAggregateException class invokes a user-provided delegate method for each of the inner exceptions of an aggregate exception. The delegate should return true if it has handled the inner exception and false if it has not handled the inner exception. Here's an example.
  Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew( ... );
  // ... 
catch (AggregateException ae)
  ae.Handle(e =>
    if (e is MyException)
      // ... handle exception ...
      return true;
      return false;
When the Handle method invokes the user-provided delegate for each inner exception, it keeps track of the results of the invocation. After it processes all inner exceptions, it checks to see if the results for one or more of the inner exceptions were false, which indicates that they have not been handled. If there are any unhandled exceptions, the Handle method creates and throws a new aggregate exception that contains the unhandled ones as inner exceptions.
If the Handle method doesn't meet your needs, you can write your own code that iterates through the InnerExceptions property of anAggregateException object.

The Flatten Method

The Flatten method of the AggregateException class is useful when tasks are nested within other tasks. In this case, it's possible that an aggregate exception can contain other aggregate exceptions as inner exceptions. The Flatten method produces a new exception object that merges the inner exceptions of all nested aggregate exceptions into the inner exceptions of the top-level aggregate exception. In other words, it converts a tree of inner exceptions into a flat sequence of inner exceptions. It's typical to use the Flatten and Handle methods together. This is shown in the following example.
  Task t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
    Task t2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
       // ...
       throw new MyException();
    // ...
  // ... 
catch (AggregateException ae)
  ae.Flatten().Handle(e =>
    if (e is MyException)
      // ... handle exception ...
      return true;
      return false;

Waiting for the First Task to Complete

The Task class includes a method named Task.WaitAll that allows you to wait for a set of tasks to complete. However, you can also wait for the first task to complete by calling the Task.WaitAny method.
Here's an example.
  var taskIndex = -1;

  Task[] tasks = new Task[]
  Task[] allTasks = tasks;

  // Print completion notices one by one as tasks finish.
  while (tasks.Length > 0)
    taskIndex = Task.WaitAny(tasks);
    Console.WriteLine("Finished task {0}.", taskIndex + 1);
    tasks = tasks.Where((t) => t != tasks[taskIndex]).ToArray();

  // Observe any exceptions that might have occurred.
  catch (AggregateException ae)
This example shows how you can use the WaitAny method to be notified when the first of a group of tasks completes. The code prints a line to the console output after each task finishes. The while loop exits after all the tasks finish.
You need to observe any exceptions that may have occurred, but note that exceptions are never observed by the WaitAny method. Instead, you should add a step that checks for exceptions whenever you use the WaitAny method. Although this example uses the WaitAll method to observe exceptions, you could also use the Exception property or the Wait method for this purpose. The IsFaulted property of the Task class can be used to check to see whether an unhandled exception occurred within a task.
Exceptions are never observed by the WaitAny method. However, you must make sure that all exceptions are eventually observed using one of the techniques that are described in the section, "Handling Exceptions," earlier in this chapter.

Speculative Execution

Speculative execution is a variation that occurs where you perform an operation in anticipation of a particular result. For example, you might predict that the current computation being run will output the value 42, and you start the next computation that depends on this computation's result by using 42 as the input. If the first computation ends with 42, you've now gained parallelism by successfully starting the dependent operation well in advance of when you otherwise could have. If the first computation results in something other than 42, you can restart the second operation using the correct value.
Another example of speculative execution occurs when you execute more than one asynchronous operation in parallel but need just one of the operations to complete before proceeding. Imagine, for example, that you use three different search tasks to search for an item. After the fastest task finds the item, you don't need to wait for the other searches to complete. In cases like, this you wait for the first task to complete and usually cancel the remaining tasks. However, you should always observe any exceptions that might have occurred in any of the tasks.
Here's an example.
  SpeculativeInvoke(SearchLeft, SearchRight, SearchCenter);
This example executes three delegate methods in parallel. Only one of the delegates needs to complete for the operation to succeed, so the tasks that did not finish first are canceled. The SpeculativeInvoke method executes each of the delegates in the params array argument. Its implementation is shown in the following code.
public static void SpeculativeInvoke(
                     params Action<CancellationToken>[] actions)
  var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
  var token = cts.Token;
  var tasks = 
    (from a in actions
     select Task.Factory.StartNew(() => a(token), token))

  // Wait for fastest task to complete.

  // Cancel all of the slower tasks.

  // Wait for cancellation to finish and observe exceptions.
  catch (AggregateException ae)
    // Filter out the exception caused by cancellation itself.
    ae.Flatten().Handle(e => e is OperationCanceledException);
    if (cts != null) cts.Dispose();
The WaitAny method does not observe unhandled task exceptions. This is because you need the returned index from WaitAny to know which task completed (potentially by throwing an exception). Therefore, this example also makes a call to the WaitAll method after canceling the tasks that did not finish first. This causes all unhandled task exceptions to be observed in the current thread. The code catches the aggregate exception that is thrown by WaitAll and removes the OperationCanceledException instances. If there are no remaining unhandled exceptions, the code proceeds normally. Otherwise, the remaining unhandled exceptions are rethrown as the inner exceptions of a new aggregate exception.

Creating Tasks with Custom Scheduling

You can customize the details of how tasks in .NET are scheduled and run by overriding the default task scheduler that's used by the task factory methods. For example, you can provide a custom task scheduler as an argument to one of the overloaded versions of the TaskFactory.StartNewmethod.
There are some cases where you might want to override the default scheduler. The most common case occurs when you want your task to run in a particular thread context. This can happen when you use objects provided by libraries, such as Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), that impose thread affinity constraints. Other cases occur when the load-balancing heuristics of the default task scheduler don't work well for your application. For more information, see the section, "Thread Injection," later in this chapter.
Unless you specify otherwise, any new tasks will use the current task scheduler, which is the value of the static property TaskScheduler.Current. In other words, subtasks inherit the task scheduler of the enclosing task context. Unless otherwise specified, new top-level tasks (and, consequently, their subtasks) use the default task scheduler, which is the value of the static property TaskScheduler.Default. The default task scheduler is tightly integrated with the .NET thread pool and handles a wide variety of operating conditions. It's a good choice for most applications. For more information, see the section, "The Default Task Scheduler," later in this chapter. The TaskScheduler class's FromCurrentSynchronizationContext static method returns a task scheduler object that schedules the task to run wherever the current thread's SynchronizationContext property indicates. This is sometimes the current thread, but not necessarily. This task scheduler is useful in cases of thread affinity. Not every thread has a current synchronization context, and there is no API to get a task scheduler that runs in the synchronization context of a thread other than the current thread. For example, you can't use the FromCurrentSynchronizationContext method if you're trying to schedule a task in a Windows service's main thread.
You can implement your own task scheduler class. For more information, see the section, "Writing a Custom Task Scheduler," later in this chapter.


Here are some things to watch out for when you use tasks.

Variables Captured by Closures

In C#, a closure can be created with a lambda expression in the form args => body that represents an unnamed (anonymous) delegate. A unique feature of closures is that they may refer to variables defined outside their lexical scope, such as local variables that were declared in a scope that contains the closure.
The semantics of closures in C# may not be intuitive to some programmers and it's easy to make mistakes. Unless you understand the semantics, you may find that captured variables don't behave as you expect, especially in parallel programs.
Problems occur when you reference a variable without considering its scope. Here's an example.
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
  {     // WARNING: BUGGY CODE, i has unexpected value
     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Console.WriteLine(i));
Capturing a loop index variable in a closure is usually a bug. Be on the lookout for this very common coding error.
You might think that this code sample would print the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 in some arbitrary order, but it can print other values, depending on how the threads happen to run. For example, you might see 4, 4, 4, 4. The reason is that the variable i is shared by all the closures created by the steps of thefor loop. By the time the tasks start, the value of the single, shared variable i will probably be different from the value of i when the task was created. All the tasks are sharing the same variable.
The solution is to introduce an additional temporary variable in the appropriate scope.
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
     var tmp = i;
     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Console.WriteLine(tmp));
This version prints the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 in an arbitrary order, but each number will be printed. The reason is that the variable tmp is declared within the block scope of the for loop's body. This causes a new variable named tmp to be instantiated with each iteration of the for loop. (In contrast, all iterations of the for loop share a single instance of the variable i.)
This bug is one reason why you should use Parallel.For instead of coding a loop yourself. It's also one of the most common mistakes made by programmers who are new to tasks.

Disposing a Resource Needed by a Task

When you create a task, don't forget that you can't call the Dispose method on the objects that the task needs to do its work. Careless use of the C#using keyword is a common way to make this mistake. Here's an example.
Be careful not to dispose resources needed by a pending task.
Task<string> t;
using (var file = new StringReader("text"))
  t = Task<string>.Factory.StartNew(() => file.ReadLine());
// WARNING: BUGGY CODE, file has been disposed
The using keyword introduces an implicit try/finally block that invokes the Dispose method on the value of the variable when it exits its scope. Theusing keyword can't be used with captured variables. Instead, you need to call the Dispose method when you know that the disposable object is no longer needed. In this example, Dispose can only be called after the task's Result property is read.

Avoid Thread Abort

Terminating tasks with the Thread.Abort method leaves the AppDomain in a potentially unusable state. Also, aborting a thread pool worker thread is never recommended. If you need to cancel a task, use the technique described in the section, "Canceling a Task," earlier in this chapter. Do not abort the task's thread.
Never attempt to cancel a task by calling the Abort method of the thread that is executing the task.

Design Notes

This section describes some of the design considerations that were used to create the Task Parallel Library.

Tasks and Threads

When a task begins to run, the applicable task scheduler invokes the task's user delegate in a thread of its choosing.
The task will not migrate among threads at run time. This is a useful guarantee because it lets you use thread-affine abstractions, such as the Microsoft Windows® operating system's critical sections, without having to worry, for example, that the Monitor.Enter function will be executed in a different thread than the Monitor.Exit function.

Task Life Cycle

The Status property of a Task instance tracks its life cycle. Figure 1 shows the life cycle of the tasks that are described in this chapter:
Figure 1 
Task life cycle
The TaskFactory.StartNew method creates and schedules a new task, which results in the status TaskStatus.WaitingToRun. Eventually, theTaskScheduler instance that is responsible for managing the task begins to execute the task's user delegate on a thread of its choosing. At this point, the task's status transitions to TaskStatus.Running. After the task begins to run, it has three possible outcomes. If the task's user delegate exits normally, the task's status transitions to TaskStatus.RanToCompletion. If the task's user delegate throws an unhandled exception, the task's status becomes Task.Faulted.
It's also possible for a task to end in TaskStatus.Canceled. For this to occur, you must pass a CancellationToken as an argument to the factory method that created the task. If that token signals a request for cancellation before the task begins to execute, the task won't be allowed to run. The task's Status property will transition directly to TaskStatus.Canceled without ever invoking the task's user delegate. If the token signals a cancellation request after the task begins to execute, the task's Status property will only transition to TaskStatus.Canceled if the user delegate throws anOperationCanceledException and that exception's CancellationToken property contains the token that was given when the task was created.
Later in this book, you'll see two variations of the task life cycle. Chapter 5, "Futures," introduces continuation tasks whose life cycles also depend on antecedent tasks. Chapter 6, "Dynamic Task Parallelism," describes tasks whose life cycles depend on subtasks that have been created with theAttachedToParent task creation option.
There is one more task status, TaskStatus.Created. This is the status of a task immediately after it's created by the Task class's constructor; however, it's recommended that you use a factory method to create tasks instead of the new operator.

Writing a Custom Task Scheduler

The .NET Framework includes two task scheduler implementations: the default task scheduler and a task scheduler that runs tasks on a target synchronization context. If these task schedulers don't meet your application's needs, it's possible to implement a custom task scheduler.
There are a number of advanced scenarios where creating a custom task scheduler is relevant. For example, you could implement a custom task scheduler if you wanted to enable a single maximum degree of parallelism across multiple loops and tasks instead of across a single loop. You could also create a custom task scheduler if you want to implement alternative scheduling algorithms, for example, to ensure fairness among batches of work. Finally, you can implement a custom task scheduler if you want to use a specific set of threads, such as Single Thread Apartment (STA) threads, instead of thread pool worker threads.
You can see how to create a custom task scheduler by looking at the ParallelExtensionsExtras project that is part of the Microsoft Parallel Samples package. For details of where to get these additional samples, see the section, "Further Reading," at the end of this chapter. This package includes an implementation of a QueuedTaskScheduler class that provides multiple global task queues that use round-robin scheduling. A custom scheduler doesn't need to use its own threads; it can simply limit the number of tasks that are allowed to run concurrently but still use the thread pool. This is the approach taken by the LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler class in the ParallelExtensionsExtras project.

Unobserved Task Exceptions

If you don't give a faulted task the opportunity to propagate its exceptions (for example, by calling the Wait method), the runtime will escalate the task's unobserved exceptions according to the current .NET exception policy when the task is garbage-collected. Unobserved task exceptions will eventually be observed in the finalizer thread context. The finalizer thread is the system thread that invokes the Finalize method of objects that are ready to be garbage-collected. If an unhandled exception is thrown during the execution of a Finalize method, the runtime will, by default, terminate the current process, and no active try/finally blocks or additional finalizers will be executed, including finalizers that release handles to unmanaged resources. To prevent this from happening, you should be very careful that your application never leaks unobserved task exceptions. You can also elect to receive notification of any unobserved task exceptions by subscribing to the UnobservedTaskException event of the TaskScheduler class and choose to handle them as they propagate into the finalizer context.
This last technique can be useful in scenarios such as hosting untrusted plug-ins that have benign exceptions that would be cumbersome to observe. For more information, see the section, "Further Reading," at the end of this chapter.
During finalization, tasks that have a Status property of Faulted are treated differently from tasks with the status Canceled. The task's status determines how unobserved task exceptions that arise from task cancellation are treated during finalization. If the cancellation token that was passed as an argument to the StartNew method is the same token as the one embedded in the unobserved OperationCanceledException instance, the task does not propagate the operation-canceled exception to the UnobservedTaskException event or to the finalizer thread context. In other words, if you follow the cancellation protocol described in this chapter, unobserved cancellation exceptions will not be escalated into the finalizer's thread context.

Relationship Between Data Parallelism and Task Parallelism

The Parallel.Invoke method was described as creating tasks for each of the delegates passed in its params array. As a mental model, this is fine. In practice, this isn't always how it's actually executed. For example, with enough delegates in the params list, TPL may, for performance reasons, use a parallel loop to invoke all the delegates.
This highlights how task parallelism and data parallelism are related. If you represent each operation to be performed as a delegate, you can then use data parallelism to perform the same operation (invoking the delegate) on each piece of data (the delegate). Conversely, if you have a data parallel problem, you can approach it in a task-parallel manner by spinning up a task to process each individual operation.

The Default Task Scheduler

All parallel libraries rely on a scheduler to organize and order the execution of tasks and threads, and TPL is no exception. This section is a behind-the-scenes look at the .NET Framework 4 implementation of task scheduling. The material in this section can help you understand the performance characteristics that you'll observe when using TPL and PLINQ. Be aware that the scheduling algorithms described here represent an implementation choice. They aren't constraints imposed by TPL itself, and future versions of .NET might optimize task execution differently.
The behind-the-scenes behavior described in this section applies to .NET Framework 4. There's no guarantee that future releases of the runtime or the framework won't behave differently.
In .NET Framework 4, the default task scheduler is tightly integrated with the thread pool. If you use the default task scheduler, the worker threads that execute parallel tasks are managed by the .NET ThreadPool class. Generally, there are at least as many worker threads as cores on your computer. When there are more tasks than available worker threads, some tasks will be queued and wait until the thread pool provides an available worker thread.
An example of this approach is the thread pool's QueueUserWorkItem method. In fact, you can think of the default task scheduler as an improved thread pool where work items return a handle that a thread can use as a wait condition, and where unhandled task exceptions are forwarded to the wait context. The handles to the work items are called tasks, and the wait condition occurs when you call the task's Wait method. In addition to these enhancements, the default thread scheduler is capable of better performance than the thread pool alone as the number of cores increases. Here's how this works.

The Thread Pool

In its simplest form, a thread pool consists of a global queue of pending work items and a set of threads that process the work items, usually on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis. This is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 
A thread pool
Thread pools have problems scaling to large numbers of cores. The main reason is that the thread pool has a single, global work queue. Each end of the global queue can be accessed by only one thread at a time, and this can become a bottleneck. When there are only a few, coarse-grained work items and a limited number of cores, the synchronization overhead of a global queue (that is, the cost of ensuring that only one thread at a time has access) is small. For example, the overhead is negligible when the number of cores is four or fewer and when each work item takes many thousands of processor cycles. However, as the number of cores increases and the amount of work that you want to do in each work item decreases (due to the finer-grained parallelism that is needed to exploit more of the cores), the synchronization cost of the traditional thread pool design begins to dominate.
Synchronization is an umbrella term that includes many techniques for coordinating the activities of multi-threaded applications. Locks are a familiar example of a synchronization technique. Threads use locks to make sure that they don't try to modify a location of memory at the same time as another thread. All types of synchronization have the potential of causing a thread to block (that is, to do no work) until a condition is met.
Tasks in .NET are designed to scale to large numbers of cores. They are also lightweight enough to perform very small units of work, in the hundreds or low thousands of CPU cycles. In .NET, it's possible for an application to run efficiently with millions of tasks. To handle this kind of scale, a more decentralized approach to scheduling than one that uses a single global queue is needed.

Decentralized Scheduling Techniques

The .NET Framework provides local task queues for each worker thread in the thread pool. Local task queues distribute the responsibility for queue management and avoid much of the serial access required by a global queue of work items. Giving different parts of the application their own work queues helps avoid a central bottleneck. This is shown Figure 3.
Figure 3 
Per-thread local task queues
You can see that there are as many task queues as there are worker threads, plus one global queue. All of these queues operate concurrently. The basic idea is that when a new task needs to be added, it can sometimes be added to a thread-local queue instead of to the global queue, and when a thread is ready for a new task to run, it can sometimes find one waiting in its local queue instead of having to go to the global queue. Of course, any work that comes from a thread that is not one of the thread pool's worker threads still has to be placed on the global queue, which always incurs heavier synchronization costs than adding to a local queue.
In the typical case, accessing the local queue needs only very limited synchronization. Items can be locally added and removed very quickly. The reason for this efficiency is that the local queues are implemented using a special concurrent data structure known as a work-stealing queue. A work-stealing queue is a double-ended queue that has a private end and a public end. The queue allows lock-free pushes and pops from the private end but requires costlier synchronization for operations at the public end. When the length of the queue is small, synchronization is required from both ends due to the locking strategy used by the implementation.
Moving to a distributed scheduling approach makes the order of task execution less predictable than with a single global queue. Although the global queue executes work in FIFO order, the local work-stealing queues use last-in, first out (LIFO) order to avoid synchronization costs. However, the overall throughput is likely to be better because a thread only uses the relatively more expensive global queue when it runs out of work from its local queue.

Work stealing

What happens when a thread's local work queue is empty and the global queue is also empty? There still may be work on the local queues of other worker threads. This is where work stealing comes into play. This is shown Figure 4.
Figure 4 
Work stealing
The diagram shows that when a thread has no items in its local queue, and there are also no items in the global queue, the system "steals" work from the local queue of one of the other worker threads. To minimize the amount of synchronization, the system takes the task from the public end of the second thread's work-stealing queue. This means that, unless the queue is very short, the second thread can continue to push and pop from the private end of its local queue with minimal overhead for synchronization.
This mix of LIFO and FIFO ordering has other interesting benefits that arise from the work distribution patterns of typical applications. It turns out that LIFO order makes sense for local queues because it reduces the likelihood of a cache miss. Something that has just been placed in a work queue has a good chance of referencing objects that are still present in the system's memory caches. One way to take advantage of the cache is by prioritizing recently added tasks.
Many parallel algorithms have a divide-and-conquer approach similar to recursion, as you'll see later in Chapter 6, "Dynamic Task Parallelism." The largest chunks of work tend to get pushed onto the queue before smaller subtasks. With FIFO ordering, these larger chunks are the first to be removed by other threads. Transferring a larger task to another thread reduces the need for stealing additional tasks in the future. As one of these larger tasks executes, it pushes and pops its subtasks in the new thread's local queue. This is a very efficient way to schedule these kinds of tasks.

Top-Level Tasks in the Global Queue

Tasks are placed in the global queue whenever a task factory method is invoked from a thread that is not one of the thread pool worker threads. (Of course, the factory method must be allowed to use the default task scheduler for this to be true. The information in this section applies only to tasks managed by the default task scheduler.)
You can also force the default task scheduler to place a task in the global queue by passing the task creation option PreferFairness to the factory method.
In this book, tasks in the global queue are called top-level tasks. Top-level tasks have approximately the same performance characteristics as work items that have been created with the thread pool's QueueUserWorkItem method.

Subtasks in a Local Queue

When one of the task factory methods is called from within a thread pool worker thread, the default task scheduler places the new task in that thread's local task queue. This is a faster operation than placing it in the global queue.
The default task scheduler assumes that minimizing the worst-case latency for subtasks isn't important. Instead, its goal is to optimize overall system throughput. This makes sense if you believe that any time you create a task from within another task or from within a thread pool work item, you are performing an operation that is part of some larger computation (such as a top-level task). In this case, the only latency that matters is that of the top-level task. Therefore, the default task scheduler doesn't care about FIFO ordering of subtasks. Although these assumptions don't hold in all cases, understanding them will help you use the features of the default task scheduler in the most efficient way for your application.
In this book, tasks in a local queue are known as subtasks. The motivation for this term is that most tasks that end up in a local queue are created while executing the user delegate of some other task.

Inlined Execution of Subtasks

It's often the case that a task must wait for a second task to complete before the first task can continue. If the second task hasn't begun to execute, you might imagine that the thread that is executing the first task blocks until the second task is eventually allowed to run and complete. An unlucky queue position for the second task can make this an arbitrarily long wait, and in extreme cases can even result in deadlock if all other worker threads are busy.
Fortunately, the TPL can detect whether the second task has begun to execute. If the second task is not yet running, the default task scheduler can sometimes execute it immediately in the first task's thread context. This technique, known as inlined execution, enables the reuse of a thread that would otherwise be blocked. It also eliminates the possibility of deadlock due to thread starvation. A nice side effect is that inline execution can reduce overall latency by acting as a scheduling short cut for urgent tasks.
The default task scheduler in .NET Framework 4 inlines a pending subtask if Task.Wait or Task.WaitAll is called from within the worker thread whose local queue contains that subtask. Inlining also applies to tasks created by methods of the Parallel class if these methods are called from within a worker thread. In other words, a thread pool worker thread can perform inline execution of tasks that it created. Top-level tasks in the global queue are never eligible to be inlined, and tasks created with the LongRunning task creation option do not inline other tasks.
The default task scheduler's policy for inline execution was motivated by the synchronization requirements of the work-stealing queues. Removing or marking a task in another local queue as "processed" would require additional, expensive cross-thread synchronization. Also, it turns out that typical applications almost never need cross-thread inlining. The most common coding patterns result in subtasks that reside in the local queue of the thread that executes the parent task.

Thread Injection

The .NET thread pool automatically manages the number of worker threads in the pool. It adds and removes threads according to built-in heuristics. The .NET thread pool has two main mechanisms for injecting threads: a starvation-avoidance mechanism that adds worker threads if it sees no progress being made on queued items and a hill-climbing heuristic that tries to maximize throughput while using as few threads as possible.
The goal of starvation avoidance is to prevent deadlock. This kind of deadlock can occur when a worker thread waits for a synchronization event that can only be satisfied by a work item that is still pending in the thread pool's global or local queues. If there were a fixed number of worker threads, and all of those threads were similarly blocked, the system would be unable to ever make further progress. Adding a new worker thread resolves the problem.
A goal of the hill-climbing heuristic is to improve the utilization of cores when threads are blocked by I/O or other wait conditions that stall the processor. By default, the managed thread pool has one worker thread per core. If one of these worker threads becomes blocked, there's a chance that a core might be underutilized, depending on the computer's overall workload. The thread injection logic doesn't distinguish between a thread that's blocked and a thread that's performing a lengthy, processor-intensive operation. Therefore, whenever the thread pool's global or local queues contain pending work items, active work items that take a long time to run (more than a half second) can trigger the creation of new thread pool worker threads.
The .NET thread pool has an opportunity to inject threads every time a work item completes or at 500 millisecond intervals, whichever is shorter. The thread pool uses this opportunity to try adding threads (or taking them away), guided by feedback from previous changes in the thread count. If adding threads seems to be helping throughput, the thread pool adds more; otherwise, it reduces the number of worker threads. This technique is called the hill-climbing heuristic.
Therefore, one reason to keep individual tasks short is to avoid "starvation detection," but another reason to keep them short is to give the thread pool more opportunities to improve throughput by adjusting the thread count. The shorter the duration of individual tasks, the more often the thread pool can measure throughput and adjust the thread count accordingly.
To make this concrete, consider an extreme example. Suppose that you have a complex financial simulation with 500 processor-intensive operations, each one of which takes ten minutes on average to complete. If you create top-level tasks in the global queue for each of these operations, you will find that after about five minutes the thread pool will grow to 500 worker threads. The reason is that the thread pool sees all of the tasks as blocked and begins to add new threads at the rate of approximately two threads per second.
What's wrong with 500 worker threads? In principle, nothing, if you have 500 cores for them to use and vast amounts of system memory. In fact, this is the long-term vision of parallel computing. However, if you don't have that many cores on your computer, you are in a situation where many threads are competing for time slices. This situation is known as processor oversubscription. Allowing many processor-intensive threads to compete for time on a single core adds context switching overhead that can severely reduce overall system throughput. Even if you don't run out of memory, performance in this situation can be much, much worse than in sequential computation. (Each context switch takes between 6,000 and 8,000 processor cycles.) The cost of context switching is not the only source of overhead. A managed thread in .NET consumes roughly a megabyte of stack space, whether or not that space is used for currently executing functions. It takes about 200,000 CPU cycles to create a new thread, and about 100,000 cycles to retire a thread. These are expensive operations.
As long as your tasks don't each take minutes, the thread pool's hill-climbing algorithm will eventually realize it has too many threads and cut back on its own accord. However, if you do have tasks that occupy a worker thread for many seconds or minutes or hours, that will throw off the thread pool's heuristics, and at that point you should consider an alternative.
The first option is to decompose your application into shorter tasks that complete fast enough for the thread pool to successfully control the number of threads for optimal throughput.
A second possibility is to implement your own task scheduler object that does not perform thread injection. If your tasks are of long duration, you don't need a highly optimized task scheduler because the cost of scheduling will be negligible compared to the execution time of the task. MSDN® developer program has an example of a simple task scheduler implementation that limits the maximum degree of concurrency. For more information, see the section, "Further Reading," at the end of this chapter.
As a last resort, you can use the SetMaxThreads method to configure the ThreadPool class with an upper limit for the number of worker threads, usually equal to the number of cores (this is the Environment.ProcessorCount property). This upper limit applies for the entire process, including all AppDomains.
The SetMaxThreads method can cause deadlock if thread pool worker threads are waiting for scheduled work items to run. Use it with extreme caution.

Bypassing the Thread Pool

If you don't want a task to use a worker thread form the thread pool, you can create a new thread for its dedicated use. The new thread will not be a thread pool worker thread. To do this, include the LongRunning task creation option as an argument to one of the task factory methods. The option is mostly used for tasks with long I/O-related wait conditions and for tasks that act as background helpers.
A disadvantage of bypassing the thread pool is that, unlike a worker thread that is created by the thread pool's thread injection logic, a thread created with the LongRunning option cannot use inline execution for its subtasks.


  1. The image blender example in this chapter uses task parallelism: a different task processes each image layer. A typical strategy in image processing uses data parallelism: the same computation processes different portions of an image or different images. Is there a way to use data parallelism in the image blender example? If there is, what are the advantages and disadvantages, compared to the task parallelism discussed here?
  2. In the image blender sample, the image processing methods SetToGray and Rotate are void methods that do not return results, but they save their results by updating their second argument. Why don't they return their results?
  3. In the image blender sample that uses Task.Factory.StartNew, what happens if one of the parallel tasks throws an exception? Answer the same question for the sample that uses Parallel.Invoke.

Further Reading

Leijen et al. discusses design considerations, including scheduling and work stealing. Hoag provides a detailed discussion of task creation options. The Microsoft Parallel Samples package is ParExtSamples on MSDN. The how-to article on MSDN is a good resource for writing custom task schedulers. The Task Scheduler Events page on MSDN provides more information about unobserved task exceptions.
D. Leijen, W. Schulte, and S. Burckhardt. "The Design of a Task Parallel Library." S. Arora and G.T. Leavens, editors, OOP-SLA 2009: Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 227–242. ACM, 2009.
J. E. Hoag. "A Tour of Various TPL Options." April 2009.
ParExtSamples software. "Samples for Parallel Programming with the .NET Framework 4."
"How to: Create a Task Scheduler That Limits the Degree of Concurrency."

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